
Women are like tea bags...

"Women are like tea bags, they don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

This is one of my favorite quotes. Not only because it is about tea, but it envelopes the tenacity of women.
I have had several blog followers email me to express how they have missed my posts. Thank you to everyone who comes to visit me from time to time. I know I have been a terrible blogger and not very interesting, but sometimes life gets in the way of getting to do what we love.

The past couple of months have been challenging. I have been having problems with my left arm since last May. My pinkie & ring finger have been numb, my grip weakened to the point where I could not hold onto fingernail clippers to clip my right hand fingernails, or open up packages and I was losing muscle in the hand. But as most of us moms will do, we put our own health on the back burner until it gets so bad that you are forced to deal with it.

So finally after many doctor visits, tests, MRI's, hand therapy, and more tests, the assessment is I needed to have surgery on my ulnar nerve for "cubital tunnel syndrome" which means the unlar nerve (your funny bone, even though it isn't a bone) was pinched and the doctor needed to move it. I did not want the surgery and tried alternaive methods such as accupuncture and chiropractic care, but it was just not going to relieve the symptoms.

I had the surgery a couple of weeks ago and am still recovering. The feeling is coming back in my fingers and I can actually type better now and gradually getting the strength back. I now have a 5" scar down the back of my arm and elbow! Be glad I don't post photos of it here, even though I did on Facebook, it's kinda gross.

But the teabag quote got me thinking after I saw this really cute craft. I will be providing my teacups and teapots for our upcoming "Tea & Testimony" at my M.O.P.S. group in a couple of weeks. I wanted to find a cute rubber stamp set, and in my Google search efforts came across this cute craft tute to make a mini album from tea bags (click on link for tute):

Turtorial Tea Bag Mini Album

Thank you to Paper Blessings for posting this very creative craft!


  1. Great to see you posting again
    What a cute tutorial.

  2. Sooo cute! Glad your surgery went well and you're back in the groove!

  3. Glad to see you back. Hope your fingers are totally healed soon. I am a MOPS too (in NC) and look forward to our Tea Party...
    Thanks for the tutorial...

  4. You are amazing! How on Earth are you making crafts with 1 hand?

  5. W.O.W!! I just discovered your blog and I am so in love. You are so amazing! I really appreciate you sharing all of your beautiful ideas. I found you through google and your "pink" backyard party came up. Georgous!!!

  6. Oh yeah...btw-I'm so sorry about your arm. I have carpul tunnel and it is so frustrating. Hope you feel better quick!

  7. Hey Risa,
    Sorry to hear about the surgery, but glad you are doing better. Just one of the pitfalls of what we do bad arms and bad feet LOL. I'm writing this in my office chair with a foot vibrator under my desk and a shiatsu massager on my back :) I have plantar fascitis (sp?) in both feet and tendinitis in both elbows so just make sure you take it easy on the arm. I love the quote I will have to add it to my repertoire. Missed you : )

  8. Christa5/06/2009

    Wow, so sorry to hear about your health issues. I am glad that you feel relief now and hopefully you will be 100% again.

    Thank you for sharing all of your creations with us. You are so talented.

    Blessings to you!

  9. may you get well soon :-)
