
Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!
from Holly, the ParTea Goldendoodle Girl

Our newest addition to the family. Santa brought her to us on Christmas morning.
She is my BFF (Best Furry Friend).

Here is her Doodle page, if you or someone you know owns a Doodle.

I hope for you and your loved ones, that 2009 will be filled with good memories, good health and gratitude for each and every day we have with our family and friends.

Enjoy some more pics from
Holly's First Photo Shoot
(taken in my daughter's room!)


Holly, the Goldendoodle Princess


Holly, the Goldendoodle Fashionista

Holly, the Goldendoodle Tea Party Girl


  1. She looks like the softest thing ever! I want to touch her please :) The photo shoot is great...she will be so happy one day that you preserved her baby memories like this!

  2. Isn't she sweet! Thanks for the New Year Wishes and same to you!

  3. Anonymous1/03/2009

    So........... adorable. Enjoy the new addition to your family. Thanks for all of the posts. I love all the pictures! Happy New Year!

  4. What a darling! My "back" neighbors have a Labradoodle, such a sweetie, too. Hope you have a happy new year, Risa, filled with doodles, love, joy, and of course, parteas!
    xo Lidy

  5. Hi!!
    A true princess. Adorable.
    So cute!!!!
    Jorgelina from Argentina

  6. Anonymous1/05/2009

    Happy New Year!

    Adorable photos!
    I moved to:

    ~ Gabriela ~

  7. Too cute! I'm sure this little pup has no idea what kind of family she has gotten herself into...lucky doggie!

  8. What a little DIVA! I don't know how in the world you got that little angel to stay so still for the photo shoot. I have never seen a goldendoodle. How big do they get?

  9. Anonymous1/06/2009

    OK I'm having puppy envy! She is precious! Happy New Year!!! Miss Mari~

  10. Anonymous1/10/2009

    Oh she's adorable.
    I was scrolling through the swappers at Kappa Preps site and found you.
    I had never heard of a Golden Doodle until a client asked me to create a cookie of her dog, a Golden Doodle!!
    Hers is almost full grown and looks more like a sheepdog to me. Love your blog, your parties look fantastic!!

  11. OMD!How cute is she??!
