
What's in YOUR Portable Studio?

My friend Phyllis at Shabby in the City is having a challenge and giveaway. For more info go to her blog at http://shabbyinthecity.blogspot.com

Here is a snippet from her blog:
So there is the challenge...fill your vintage pieces with your wonderful craft items and let's take it on the road. Show me your craft destination with photos of your carrier/caddy,box or basket, loaded down in vintage crafty goodness. Well say November 25th is our share day...exactly one month before Christmas (easy to remember, huh?) Please take the banner and post it in your sidebar, blog about it whatever....the more participants...the more fun!

1 comment:

  1. See? I was sitting here waiting for you! And now you are my new bff because this challenge didn't get the 'bites' I was hoping for...you're the BEST! Welcome back party girl..now I'm adding you to my sidebar. Alaska huh? I didn't know that!
