And I was right.
Happy Birfday Ryan!
Last night I was able to provide face painting for my daughter's preschool fundraiser.
They had a Fall Carnival & Silent Auction (it was belated due to the So Cal fires and the date got pushed back), so myself and Rebecca, my fellow face painting and party planner friend came to help out. We had a great time and I think we were able to contribute to the fundraising efforts as the room was filled the entire time with children and parents who were waiting in line. Click here to view a few photos I took of the "quick design" faces I painted.
I have really been enjoying face painting more and more, it's very addictive and rewarding. Check out the site I made just for face painting: Colorful Face Painting.com
Fund Raiser TIP:
I highly recommend face painting as a fund raiser for your school or other event. Not only does it give the event an element of partyness (is that a word?...well it is now) with kids and adults walking around with color on their faces, but it is also a form of entertainment.
Don't feel like you have to be a Picasso in order to face paint. If you decide to give it a try, here are some tips:
To view all the photos from this party click here.
Photos from the past:
How To:
It's a great party.....
You can read about the details on the post on her blog. Stuff about creating a new DVD cover for a client, getting a tour of a gorgeous new venue, loving her Starbucks, shopping for a client, updating menus and budgets yadda, yadda. She looks so glam - hair styled and sporting Nicole Richie sunglasses. So "J-Lo". So wedding planner-ish.
And then there's MY kind of day as an event planner. Here's my montage:
(To view up close click on the montage. Hopefully I don't have any chin hairs showing.)
Left to RIGHT, Top to Bottom:
1. Went to the flower market to get flowers for Mariela's Birthday Party.
2. This is what greeted me at the entrance. I love gerber daisy's. They are just. Happy.
3. She's my intern. Don't mention anything about her height, she's a little self-conscience about it.
4. Stopped at McDee's before going to the flower market. So there Starbucks. Don't see a drive-thru at your place! Now I will have money left over to buy that McGriddle, and not spend it all on a Venti.
5. Yup. That's me. In my usual state of glamourousness - a baseball hat and no makeup. Didn't take a shower either, cuz flowers don't care.
6. I'm glad to see my lil' intern is very Green, and drives her electric car to work.
7. I wonder if David Tutera has ever had a power lunch at Funtown Hot Dogs?
8. All the flowers I purchased unloaded and in buckets on my front porch. Some one's gotta be the white trash on our street....
It was a great day.
Seriously, it was fun. I took Raina with me and we had a great time, she really likes to help me. And the flower market is literally across the freeway from Lego Land, and we have passes. So we went for a couple of hours which was also a lot of fun since we usually have "the boys" - dad and two brothers there, and they don't like to go on the kiddie rides. And it is so worth going there just for the Granny Fries. Omigawd. They are the best. They fry diced green apples, coated in sugary cinnamon, accompanied with a vanilla cream to dip them in. HEAVEN.
But I had to drive home like a maniac to pick up my son from school in time. Of course I hit traffic on the freeway. Took some side streets, hit every flippin' red light. When I got there to the school, they had him waiting in the office. The office ladies already know I'm NOT one of the totally-have-it-together-moms like all the rest of 'em.
But that's okay. They didn't get to see really happy gerbers....
Shown is the set-up during the daytime, then photos of it during the nighttime with the candles glowing. It was so difficult to capture how purty it was with the candles......the photos don't do it justice.
Here are some other ideas on how you can "tie one on":
~ Is there a wedding in your future? The ties are great gifts for all the groomsmen and the fathers of the wedding party too. They can even do little boys ties to match (so cute!). They also have women's scarves to match.
~If you are going to be hosting a dinner or cocktail party at your home and will be having catering or bartender staff - get them matching ties to "tie in" the colors of your theme.
~ Or if you are hosting a bridal or baby shower dress up the hubbies or other fellas to be the "servers" and have them wear ties to match the shower colors. Don't want men folk around the shower? Pay some teen gals to come assist and do the same. Just have them wear black pants, white collar button shirt and then provide a tie. But have hubby pre-tie it for them, then they can just slip it around their collar and tighten.
~Useful for prom, to have the fella's tie match her prom dress.
~ Cool idea for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. As soon as an invited young gentleman has RSVP'd to attend the Bar or Bat Mitzvah, mail him off a tie in the event color and include a note from the guest of honor saying something like "Green Tie Required."
You get the idea....
If you have any other ideas on how to "tie one on", feel free to leave a comment!
12 Georgian Eggshell Homer Laughlin Cake Plates (for my tea parties).
Paper Millinery Bouquet (2 bunches).
Have no idea how to use them, they just sang to me.
.....and Antique Ledger Paper.
Again, clueless.
Boy, this whole blogging thing is getting expensive! JK.
I wish Heather the best of luck and much success with her endeavors!
If you can attach a cross bar over and across the top, you can hang a chandelier or I call them "candle-iers" in the center of the canopy by putting a heavy gauge wire or zippy cable tie through the canopy net holes and attach onto the cross bar. Then use a sturdy ribbon (one with wired edges will work) to secure the chandelier to the wire or zippy tie. This is so you don't rip the net. You could also use paper lanterns or tissue paper pom-poms to hang from the top. Go wild!
(To view a close-up of the faux cupcakes I made, click here.)
It is much sparkly in person, and I hope Heather likes it. I have been so insecure at trying my hand for the first time in these crafty ephemera projects/swaps since these ladies are hard-core talented at it!
Thank you Holly for hosting such a unique and fun swap!
It was a fairly warm, muggy (for OC) July day, and I thought this was a clever idea the bride did for fans. The ceremony program was printed on the outside of a folded two page program, then the wooden stick was glued to the inside. So this version may be a lot less expensive than having ceremony fans printed.
Here is how you can D.I.Y. your own fan programs:
Purchase program card stock, either printed from the dealer, or blank and print at home. Another option, print and then fold a piece of 8.5" x 11" card stock in half. Use a bone folder or a ruler to press the edge down.
Purchase the wooden sticks, which need to be longer and bigger than traditional tongue depressors.
Place double-stick tape to the program edges, hot glue gun the sticks to the inside and press. Add a ribbon in your color(s).
This idea can also be used for menu cards if you are having a daytime outdoor event or meal.
I have to say my "Strawberry Creamy-Dreamy" sandwiches were a hit with the girls! I had fun making them, and not only were they cute but very yummy too. Unfortunately I didn't have time to take a good shot of it, so I just cropped this from another pic. I don't think I will make the Mini Mac 'n Cheese bites again they were too much work and didn't turn out the way I made them in the past.
To view all the photos visit my gallery. Professional images will be available in a few weeks from my assistant and photographer Stephanie Warner.
Also, the Client was so hospitable because as we were setting up the party, she brought us teacups full of Chai tea, sweetened and with milk. I literally gulped mine it was so delicious. I had never had Chai taste so good! I kept asking the other girls if they wanted theirs, so I could finish it off! I'm still thinking about that cuppa and would love more!! Starbucks cannot compare to what she made!
Today I am really tired and need to catch up on everything I am supposed to be doing!
Happy 4th of July and I hope you had a fun and memorable holiday!